Product Information
We need to take extra special care of ourselves in the most natural way possible. Prana+Therapy with its 19 perfectly synergised essential oils in spray form, can nurture, cleanse, soothe, refresh and restore you throughout the day in a number of practical and vital ways.
Our 100 ml Container
Prana+Therapy 100ml
Our formula is ideal when you are away, at play or at home to stay!
camping, boating, hiking, skiing, surfing, etc…
Personal care: spray to refresh body, face and hands. Soothe razor rash, sunburn, bites, stings and dry chapped skin. Spray for feminine hygiene, relief and restoration.
In a pinch; use as mouth wash and deodorant,
For refreshing toothpaste and extra long-lasting deodorant: mix ½ tsp soda bicarbonate and spray 4x then mix, brush and rub!
Clean & sanitise dirty things:
Hotel/motel; phones, knobs, pens. Freshen sheets, and headboards, restaurant tables & utensils. For extra insurance; Spray toilets, sinks, tubs and showers. Movie theatre, aeroplanes, train and bus seats and armrest.