Contact Us

If you have a specific question about a product listed on the site please visit the relevant product page and click on the “Ask this Vendor a question” button. This will send a message to the Vendor who will be happy to provide a timely response.

You can check the status of any order you have placed by signing into your account and clicking the My Orders menu item. If you have a question about your order you can place an enquiry using the button next to the order concerned. Click the “Where’s My Order” button below for further instructions.

Where’s My Order

For all other enquiries please contact us using the form below. We will respond to you as quickly as possible. If you don’t hear from us within 24 hours something has probably gone wrong please try again or give us a call.


Contact Customer Support


More contact options


Email – you can get in touch with us at [email protected].

Telephone – if you would prefer to speak to a member of our Customer Service Team please call 07 281 1546. We are available Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. Outside of these hours please leave a message or use another method of contact.

Post – you can also write to us at Green Elephant Limited, 32 Garrett Road, RD 5, Tauranga, 3175, New Zealand.


For information about becoming part of our Marketplace please see our Why Sell with Us page or if you are interested in signing up please complete our online application form Become a Vendor.

If you are already selling with us you can find help sheets and answers to our most frequently asked questions by logging into your Vendor account and clicking “Help & Support” on your menu. Alternatively you can email us at [email protected].


We’re here to help.

The team at Green Elephant