About Calendula Healing Balm

I am involved in conservation work in various locations of New Zealand monitoring populations of flora and fauna. My passion is in healing with nature (without chemicals). Every plant has special gifts for humankind. Calendula is an amazing all rounder. In fact it is the only thing I have used for years. I get a lot of thorns and splinters in the bush, scratches, grazes, sandfly/insect bites, blisters, and sometimes chaff and sunburn too. I use the Calendula Balm on all these things and it soothes and heals without irritation.
Calendula is very gentle, but also very powerful. It is amazing on small burns, the pain dissolves on application. Calendula has wonderful antiviral and antiseptic properties, so if you feel the beginning of a mild infection rub some calendula into the scratch and put a plaster on it.
It is best applied after a shower and before bedtime.
The ingredients are simple: Calendula flowers, olive oil, beeswax and lavender oil.
Keep it out of the heat or it can get soft.