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Cuppacoffeecup is a New Zealand-made reusable takeaway coffee cup. Instead of disposing of a cup every time you have a takeaway coffee, re-use your CUPPACOFFEECUP. The idea behind CUPPACOFFEECUP was to create a reusable cup that is lightweight, has striking full colour imagery and looks and feels much like a disposable cup.  Designs available through Green Elephant and by New Zealand artists, and a couple of Australian artists too.

It is estimated that 295 million disposable cups are used each year in New Zealand.  Many disposable cups cannot be recycled because they are lined with plastic.  There is also a significant environmental cost in manufacturing disposable cups.  Even compostable disposable cups cannot be composted without the correct facilities.


The Longest Drink in Town is a New Zealand icon known for the friendly blue and red giraffe.  Grab your reusable milkshake cups from Just Great Design.  Made in New Zealand too.


O Meter Fridge Magnets are made in New Zealand and designed by New Zealand artist Glenn Jones.  They are a fun interactive fridge magnet available in many “Chance of” designs including Wine, Beer, Golf and Fishing.

Products from Just Great Design

By Just Great Design
By Just Great Design
By Just Great Design