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The Lowdown on the Bunch at Munch

Munch Logo with BylineSo, Munch. As the name of this company implies…they are pretty focussed on food. They do everything to do with food…although, not actual food!! Their real mission is to educate and support mums (and dads) everywhere in raising their families in the healthiest way possible.

The book that launched a thousand ships

A lady named Anna Bordignon is behind the Munch concept- she is the founder and director of the company. It all started back in 2012 when she published her first family recipe book…Munch. The book is a bit of a mealtime bible for mums – or whoever might be in charge of feeding the family. Let’s not forget that dad’s cook too…!! The book combines easy to source ingredients with simple to follow, healthy, seasonal recipes; plus loads of information about feeding growing babies, fussy toddlers and allergy sufferers making it a one stop shop for family nutrition.

It got rave reviews from mums and bloggers alike and even won best children’s cookbook at the prestigious Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in 2014. These awards are to the culinary world, what the Oscars are to the film industry so being a winner is no small achievement, especially when we see other winners from New Zealand included top chefs like Josh Emett, Nadia Lim and Michael Van de Elzen (my hero)……!!

But there is more to Munch than a cook book. Much more.

Munch Lunch Wrap in PinkAddressing the issues

The business now includes a range of products designed to raise awareness of environmental issues and provide usable ‘solutions’.

The company has a strong focus on sustainability and is proud to offer a range of eco friendly mealtime products including lunchboxes, sandwich wraps and toddler dining sets. They also recognise that design and beauty are important in otherwise mundane items, which is something you know we are crazy about at Green Elephant!!

They are also passionate about community and work hard to nurture and contribute to their local communities through fundraising, education and by campaigning for changes that are important to them including planting more fruit trees in schools (LOVE this idea), reducing the use of plastic and encouraging and empowering families to eat less processed food.

The Munch model

Making NIL Organic beeswax wrapsAlong with Anna, there are around 15 other mums that work at Munch. As well as all the usual jobs that come with running a business, like marketing, graphic design and sales, these mums even manufacture some of the products themselves. Here is Erin who makes over 300 “Nil” organic beeswax wraps per week from the comfort and chaos of her own home. This really is a business ‘by mums for mums’.

And it’s no ordinary job. All the mums work remotely and mange their own time – there’s no Munch office and certainly no 9 to 5. They keep in touch by Skype and are a close-knit and supportive community of their own. This is something (another thing…!!) Anna is passionate about. Family takes priority. She would be cross if one of her mums missed a milestone or even a school pick up because they had to get the blog published.

It’s a unique business model but seems to be working for Munch. They recently won (another) award at the Naturally Good Expo in Australia – a top trade show. They took home the Best Eco Friendly Company and Products award as voted for by a panel of experienced retailers. And they were pretty chuffed with that, as they should be!!

Munch AwardSo, what’s on the cards for Munch…??

Well, Munch are off to the Emmys! They have been invited to be part of an Exclusive Celebrity Gifting Suite where gift bags are given out to the stars who attend this iconic Los Angeles event. Pretty exciting times!!

Another Munch cookbook is due out soon too – it’s nearly ready for publication and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

Looking ahead possibly the biggest challenge for the Munch Team is growing the business to meet the ever increasing demand…..BUT not at the expense of the family. Because at the heart of Munch is family. Their family and yours.

We’re proud to have Munch on Green Elephant. They have supported the marketplace from Day 1 and we think they are pretty awesome. You can read more about them and see most of their range……..

Shop Munch Now

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