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Green Elephant Blog

New Years Resolutions…..Do You??

I don’t. For the simple reason that if I want to do something more (or less) and it’s really worth it to me, then I just do it. Why wait for a new year to come around to make big deal ‘Resolutions’?!!
But that certainly doesn’t mean that a new year is not a good time for reflection and a great opportunity to re-evaluate what we do, how we feel and how we can ‘do better’ at life. If you’re stuck for inspiration, maybe give one of these easy peasy but oh so valuable tricks a try:

P10805381 Smile and laugh more
Everyone knows grumpy = frumpy, so slap a smile on your dial and add instant sparkle to that inspirational face of yours.

2 Say ‘Yes’ to exciting new opportunities that present themselves.
Life is short. Grab it with both hands. Make every day count.

3 Breathe
Yep – we take it for granted. We do it non-stop without thinking. But just take a second to do it consciously. Breathe deeply. Listen to the sound of your breath and your body. Do it a few more times. I find it really takes the edge off when there happens to be squealing children in the background…..

4 Drink more water
Bottom line = it’s good for you. Always say ‘Yes’ if you’re offered a glass of water.

5 Be Nice
Manners cost nothing as I always tell my children. People appreciate politeness and courtesy and if you’re pleasant and friendly to people, they are much more likely to be nice back.

6 Give a compliment
We’re too good at moaning. But not good enough at sharing when we’ve had great service or just giving a compliment to a stranger. I really recommend you try this – you can make someone’s day by telling them you really enjoyed the meal or that you like their dress (just don’t be creepy about it).

So, whatever your views on the resolution debate, we hope 2016 is a happy and healthy year for you all.

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