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Green Elephant Blog

Parsley Pesto

Parsley Pesto in bowl

If you’ve got a parsley ‘bush’ in your garden or just an abundance of the stuff, then this is a great way to use some of it up. Parsley Pesto is easy and quick to make, and it’s a great tool to have in your fridge for those times when you need an injection of flavour!!


2 large handfuls of parsley leaves
2 cloves garlic (peeled)
Small handful of roasted almonds (I think cashews or walnuts would work nicely too)
Lemon Juice (approximately the juice of 2 lemons)
Generous seasoning
Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Put all the ingredients except the olive oil in the bowl of a small food processor and blend. Keep pushing the mixture down the bowl and add the oil as you go. Start with 2 tbsps and add more to get the consistency you want – I went for ‘firm spreadable’ but you could go looser for a dip or a pouring sauce. Taste as you go and if it starts to taste too oily, add more lemon juice. And of course, check your seasoning!!

Once you’ve made your Parsley Pesto, the options are endless. You could mix a tablespoon with a little Greek yogurt – great to dollop on a piece of chicken or a burger, stir through pasta and top with some grated parmesan cheese for a quick supper or spread it on crackers to enjoy with some strong cheese. For breakfast this morning, we had fried eggs with a dollop of this on top. It was delicious!!!

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